Saturday 10 May 2014

Science Museum of Minnesota

A few weeks ago Amy, Micah and I went to the Science Museum in St Paul. They have a dinosaur exhibit for the Summer and Micah had previously shown some interest in dinosaurs, so I thought he would like it. I was wrong. He loved it. First there was the hall with all the skeletons of dinosaurs I had never heard of, such as the Nigersaurus, the skull of which can be seen here.

It seems that most of the dinosaurs I remember are no longer considered 'real'. Never mind; I'm sure all the dinosaurs Micah learned about will be removed from the dinosaur canon before he's an adult. After going through the dinosaur skeleton exhibit, we went to the IMAX 'Omnitheatre' to watch Dinosaurs Alive!, a 45-min documentary about paleontology. It was Micah's first ever movie and I thought he would be either bored or scared by the CGI animations of dinosaurs fighting. Once again, I was wrong. He was enthralled. Occasionally he would repeat a word that he heard in the movie. And for days after he would randomly come out with dinosaur knowledge he had gained.

All in all in was a great, albeit expensive, experience. It was worth the $26 per adult for admission, but I wouldn't want to make a habit of it. As with most of these places (the Children's Museum, the Minnesota Zoo, etc.), if you plan to visit more than once in a year, the annual membership really does pay for itself.

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