Friday 27 September 2013

Jerry the Wise

My boss, Jerry, is a highly intelligent man. But he is also very practical. And, unlike so many other highly intelligent people, he is incredibly nice. He's a rare combination, and I just wanted to share something he has taught me recently.

There have been a number of annoying hurdles I've had to overcome during my time in the USA. The most recent was changing our visa status from J to H. What we didn't realise was, while our we have H status, we still have J visas. So, if we were to leave the country, we would have to apply and get H visas before re-entering the US. There has got to be a better system than this. Anyway, we'll probably do that when we visit Australia early next year. In my normal fashion, I started overthinking this situation and worrying about it; imagining the worse possible scenarios. But when I told Jerry, he barely bat an eye-lid. He told me that there are some things you just have to do in order to do the things you want to do, and stressing about it is not going to help. I wish I could have this attitude about all of my life.


  1. I think someone else once said that too... He lived about 2000 years ago ;)

  2. Glad to see you are learning not to stress. Onya.

  3. I think you're just analysing the solutions to the situation like a good scientist! But, as you are beginning to see, some problems don't quite need this in-depth treatment. Relax, things usually work out in the end :)
