Sunday 31 March 2013

Extreme Couponing

Grocery store coupons are not really a thing in Australia. Things go on sale at a reduced price each week and you can hunt out bargains, but grocery shopping the US is a different experience entirely.

It all comes down to coupons. You can get coupons in the Sunday newspapers and they sometimes appear in your mail box. You can also download them from various websites and you often get Catalina coupons from certain stores when you purchase something. Manufacturers also issue their own coupons, which can be used at most stores, in combination with the store-specific coupons. And often retailers will double (or sometimes even quadruple) the discount on a manufacturer's coupon. All this means that, if you're smart about it, you can get your groceries for next to nothing. I sometimes wonder how the grocery stores make their money. Also, I can't understand why everyone doesn't utilize the coupons. Sure it's a bit of a hassle and if you're making a lot you don't really need to worry about coupons, but every dollar saved on food is a dollar that could be used for something optional. And, let's face it, optional things are far more interesting than necessities like air, water and food.

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